Dental Insurance Reform Initiatives

Massachusetts Ballot Initiative Question 2

Massachusetts voters overwhelmingly approved Ballot Question 2 in a decisive landmark victory for dental patients nationwide. Passage of this measure is watershed moment for dental care and for important consumer protections for dental patients. Question 2 requires dental insurers to spend at least 83% of patient premiums on actual dental care instead of on executive compensation, corporate profits, and administrative costs.

Dental insurance plans that don’t meet the requirement of spending at least 83% of patient premium dollars on patient care now have to refund the difference to covered individuals and groups.

The ADA, the Massachusetts Dental Society (MDS) and dental care providers across the country led the fight for this important victory for patients despite millions of dollars spent by the insurance industry to oppose these critical consumer protections.

Ultimately when voters considered the facts, they overwhelmingly agreed that patient dollars should be spent on patient care and that these important insurance reforms were long overdue.

Together We Scored A Victory

The TDA contributed $10,000 in support of Massachusetts Ballot Question 2 and matched contributions made by Tennessee dentists up to an additional $10,000. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this effort. We are excited to work toward bringing these important benefits and consumer protections to dental patients in Tennessee.

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